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Two hours if you were in a kayak and had muscly and strong arms. If you were in a motor boat and didn't sail overnight about 60 days. Hope this helped. I don't actually know if it is exact.  could take you there on his sleigh.

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Q: How long would it take to travel by boat from Argentina to England?
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How long would it take to travel from America to England by boat?

around a 7 - 11 days

What is cost for travel to England from Australia by boat?

If there is a service that provides that, then it would be thousands of pounds (at least). The ship would have to travel round half the world to get there.

Can you travel to England from the US?

Yes you can if you take a boat or a plane

How long would it take to travel from England to Antarctica in a boat?

Your answer depends on your points of departure and destination, the type and size of the watercraft you choose, and the speed at which you choose to travel.

What do you need to travel to Antarctica?

You can book passage on a tour boat to travel there, or you can charter a private expedition from New Zealand, Australia, Chile or Argentina.

How long it takes to get to Italy from England by boat?

? But you could travel by aeroplane

How long does it take to travel on a boat to Rome from England?

it has different lenghths because it depents on what boat or ship you are traveling in.

How do you get to Plymouth from Europe?

If you mean Plymouth in England, then it is already in Europe. From mainland Europe you would travel across the English Channel to get to it. For Plymouth in America you could travel by boat or fly.

How do you travel from England to Wales?

Either by car, bus, coach, train, aeroplane, bike, boat or on foot. There are numerous ways to travel to Wales from England. Wales is adjoined to England !

Whats the shortest travel time from England to France?

An hour on a car boat

What is the best way to travel between England Ireland and Scotland?

England and Scotland share a land border, so you can travel between them by road or rail or you could fly. Ireland is on a separate island, so to go from England or Scotland to Ireland you would have to fly or go by boat.

How long does it take travel from England Bradford to Australia Victoria by boat?

not very long