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Of the 80 Best Picture winners, 55 were based on previously published books, plays or other movies.

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Q: How many Oscar Awards were Awarded to movies based on books?
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What special awards did he receive?

That depends on who you're referring to. Based on the categories, I'm guessing an Oscar

Have a Oscar ever been awarded and then taken back?

Nope, not once, and most likely will not happen, as it is based on judges, not on audience reviews

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For a movie to be nominated for an Academy Award, it has to be released in the US (except the Foreign Language Film nominees). Most of the movies in the US are in English, that's the reasons most Oscar nominees are American and British.

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There are multiple awards based on different qualifications and definitions of "best musician." The most famous is probably the Grammy Awards. There are also the MTV Video Music Awards, American Music Awards, World Music Awards and many others. There are also categories for "best music" in other award ceremonies such as the Nickelodeon Teen Choice Awards.

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It wasn't an Oscar skit, but rather a skit from the 1995 MTV Movie Awards. But I don't know where you can find it.

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"Academy Award", also known by its nickname "Oscar", is for movies, NOT for television productions. There is an equivalent "Emmy Awards" for television. Both are based in the United States. Some other countries may have their own special awards for movies or television. That being said, I have no idea whether he "wants" to win such an award; but most people wouldn't mind it if they got a special recognition.

How many movies based on Novels have won both the Pulitzer and an Oscar for Best-Picture?

Only two novels adapted for movies has won both the Pulitzer Prize and the Oscar for Best-Picture, the firstis the Civil War classic 'Gone With The Wind' which won the Pulitzer in 1937 and the Oscar for Best-Picture in 1939, the second was for Robert Warren Penn's "All The King's Men" which won the Pulitzer in 1947 and the Oscar for Best-Picture in 1949.

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Yes, you can be awarded very large sums of money, upwards of a million dollars, depending on the severity of your claim. Monetary awards are generally based on serious injury.

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"The Last Emperor," which won all nine of the Academy Awards for which it was nominated, including Best Picture of 1987.

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