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oil lie vie lei I'veEli Leo ole voe lev Evi (Midianite King in the Bible)

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15y ago
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13y ago

live, love, Levi, ole, oil, vile, lie, veil

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Q: How many arrangements of the letters in the word o l i v e can you make if each arrangement must use three letters?
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How many arrangements in the lettered olive can you make if each arrangement must use three letters?

There are 5*4*3 = 60 arrangements.

How many different 5 letter arrangements can be formed from the letters in the name CATHY if each letter is used only once in each arrangement?


How many four-letter arrangements can be made of the letters a c e f and h if there is repetition of letters?

There are 5 letters: a c e f and h.If the letters can be repeated, then there are five possibilities for each space in the four-letter arrangement. The number of arrangements then is:5*5*5*5 = 54 = 625.

How many arrangements can be made out of the letters of the word mother taken four at a time so that each arrangement contains the letter'm'?

It is 1*5C3*(4*3*2*1) = 240

How many different arrangements of the letters in the word COLOR are there?

If you pick from each of the possible letters at each stage, then there are 5 possible options for the first letter. Then there are 4 possible options for the second. Then there are 3 possible options for the 3rd and so on. This leaves us with 5x4x3x2 = 120 different arrangements. However, each arrangement has been counted twice, as it doesn't matter which way around the Os go. So to get the true answer, we need to divide by 2. 120/2 = 60, and therefore the number of different arrangements of the letters in the word COLOR is 60.

How many arrangements of the letters MATH are possible if each letter can be used only once in each arrangement?

24 The first letter can be any of the 4. The second can be any of the remaining 3. The third, either remaining, and the last, the only remaining one. This means there are 4*3*2*1=24 different arrangements.

How many different 5-letter arrangements can be formed from the letters in the name tyler if each letter is used only once in each arrangement?

The answer is 5!, 5 factorial. This equals 5 X 4 X 3 X 2 X 1, which is 120.

Where can one see prices for FTD flower arrangements?

The prices for FTD flower arrangements can be located beside each particular floral design. If one was to go to the FTD website, click on the arrangement they like, the price will be with the picture.

How many visually different arrangements can be made from the letters of the word giggling?

Answer: 840. If all the letters in "giggling" were different, there would be 8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1=40320 arrangements: 8 ways to choose the first letter in an arrangement, 7 ways to choose the second, 6 ways to choose the third, and so on. But there are two problems with that: the g's and the i's. Let's start with the i's. There are two of them, which can be switched in any arrangement without changing how it looks. So when we counted 40320 arrangements above, we counted each arrangement twice, once for each order of the i's. So we should divide 40320 by 2, to get 20160. The g's are a similar idea, except there are 4 of them. So there are 4*3*2*1 or 24 visually identical ways to order the g's. That means we counted each truly different arrangement 24 times: one for each such visually identical order of the g's. So the number 20160 is inflated by a factor of 24, and we should divide it by 24, getting 840.

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How many visually different arrangements can be made from the letters absolute?

Infinitely many. You could, for example, cut out images of the 8 letters and paste then on the wall facing you. Each letter can take infinitely many positions on that wall so you have infinitely many arrangements.

What problem changed the arrangement of the keys on the typewriter?

the jamming of the keys required that common letters not be placed next to each other.