

How many box turtle eggs survive?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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7y ago

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Normal all except 2-3.

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Q: How many box turtle eggs survive?
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Related questions

How many eggs does a female box turtle usually lay at a time?

The female turtle lays at least 20 eggs

How many eggs at a time does a female box turtle usually lay?

The female turtle lays at least 20 eggs

How many babies do box turtles have?

Well I have an Eastern Box turtle that laid 3 eggs. But they can lay up to 6. But usually have 3 eggs.

How many eggs does a female box turtle usally lay?

to abut 100 a year

When a female box turtle lays eggs dose a male box turtle have to fertilize it?

No, they fertilize it before they are layed

How do you tell if a boxturtle had some eggs?

how do you tell if a box turtle laid eggs

How does a box turtle act when she is pregnant?

The best way to tell if your box turtle is pregnant is by the way she acts. A pregnant box turtle will begin nesting and preparing for her eggs to be laid.

Where do you put turtle eggs?

You can put turtle eggs in a box. Make sure you do not turn them over as this can kill the developing turtle. Do not expose to temperatures above 95 degrees.

How big are turtle eggs in centimetres?

box turtles eggs are about a few centimeters long and wide.

How many babies turtle can a girl turtle have?

It depends on the type of turtle it is. A female spotted turtle can only have 1 or 2 eggs due to its size, it only gets 5 in long. A Box turtle can have 7 or eight eggs due to its size, it gets up to a foot long. See, it all depends on what type of turtle it is and how long they get.

How long for a box turtle to lay eggs after mating?

the eastern box turtle lay there eggs between the months of june-sept. once the eggs are layed the baby box turtles will begin to hatch within a period of 70-140 days.

Can box turtle eggs stay in water?

No they might not get warm enough to hatch