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A queen bee mates only once in her lifetime but it will usually be with anything up to about 20 drones. This takes place about a week after she emerges from the pupal cell. She stores the sperm in an organ called the spermatheca and this lasts for her entire laying life.

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Q: How many drones does the queen bee mate with in a year?
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Related questions

What would happen to a honey bee colony if their were no drones?

Actually there are usually no drones in the honey bee colony over the winter. The worker bees push the drones out of the hive in September or early fall and don't allow any of them to return. Sometimes they even chew off the drone's wings so he can't return to the hive. The drone is created by the queen laying an infertile egg, so she can make a new drone any time the hive needs one. Generally drone production begins in the hive in the early part of the year so that when new queens emerge, there is a already a drone population ready to mate with them. In a colony the drones are not necessary. In the life of honey bees, drones are necessary to fertilize the queen but that is their only job. When a virgin queen flies out to mate in the spring or summer, she mates with drones about a mile from her hive so they are not related to her. This protects the genetic diversity. She usually mates with 17 - 30 drones at this event and she never mates again.

Do both female and male bees make honey?

No, only the female worker bees make honey. The female queen bee and the male drone bees do not make or gather food themselves. The queen spends her time laying eggs while the drones have only one purpose, to mate with a queen when she is on her one and only mating flight. The drones are only produced in the spring/summer and are killed off each year once their job is done. For more info on bees, see the Related Link below ;-)

When were musical drones invented?

In the year 2000

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Jaguars mate at any time of the year

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One, but they will mate once a year.

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