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The highest is 650 and is the same as pyrus spin drago so there is a link between the two.

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Q: How many gs does the bakugan toy neo dragonoid have?
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Can you buy the bakugan toy ultra dragonoid?

Yes you can buy ultra dragonoid in some stores. Start by looking online and in toy stores!

What Target store can you buy dragonoid colossus?

The Bakugan .com says that Dragonoid Colossus is exclusively at Toy r Us.

What are the hardest bakugan to find?

The hardest toy to find is a special attack infinity dragonoid.

Is there such thing as an infinetey core as a bakugan toy?

Yes there is Wavern in toy form or there is Infinity Dragonoid which i have. It has 660 g power. The strongest bakugan is not 650 or 660 it is 700 and it is a Clayf

What bakugan hasn't been shown in the tv show yet but has a toy out?

Chance dragonoid but that bakugan wont be in the show. There are many other bakugan that havent been in the tv show. For more information go to this wiki called Bakugan wiki.

Where do you get infinity dragonoid?

there isn't an infinity dragonoid because it is anime only due to the fact that all it is is a ultra drago with the infinity core but appolonir ball form is the same thing as ultra dragonoid ball form but actual form is differant.

What is the price of Bakugan?

If you mean The strongest (Maybe known as King) bakugan it is Infinity Dragonoid. In the show it has 1000 gs in real toy form it is 660 gs 40 gs away from the highest.

What is the most powerful bakugan in the world?

Well in the real world there are many people who have the most powerful because toy companies make hundreds of thousands of each type of bakugan including the best one so really there is no answer to that question All who own a Dragonoid Colossus have the strongest bakugan. yo wazup just saying who ever wrote this is wrong you can use collosus dragonoid in a battle because there is no way to roll it and there are too many battle gear.there are many "worlds strongest" but the real one is the dragonoid won at the bakucon tournament it was 2007g

Which is the better toy Bakugan or B - daman?


What type of toy is Bakugan?

Bakugan is a round toy ball.when you put it on somthing megnetic(bottom)it will open up and stick to it.

When will the Bakugan toy sirenoid come out?


Is Bakugan the best toy of the year?

helllllll no