

How many hours does it take Saturn to rotate on it's axis?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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it takes about 10 hours and 39 mintues. HOLY CHEESE WHIZ! IKR

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Q: How many hours does it take Saturn to rotate on it's axis?
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Uranus rotates on it's axis approximately every 24 and 37 minutes.

Why does it take Saturn 10 earth hours to rotate?

We generally do not know "why" many things are the way that they are. Saturn rotates once in about 10 hours. We don't know why. It just IS.

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IT TAKES THE EARTH 360 DAYS TO ROTATE. it actually takes 365 days to orbit the sun and 23 hours 55 min to rotate on its axis

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It depends which planet you mean - the Earth takes 23 hours & 56 minutes to rotate once.

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Neptune takes 16 hours 6 minutes and 36 seconds to rotate or spin once on its axis, or 0.67125 Earth days.

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Mars rotates on its axis in 24.6 earth hours = 1.025 earth days.

How many hours does it take Earth to rotate on its axis?

Make sure you read all of this information before using it on a assignment. It takes 113 years to rotate around on its axis. 10/10 scientists aprrove this NONE OF THIS IS TRUE.