

How many liters of water Singapore uses in a day?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How many liters of water Singapore uses in a day?
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It is mainly used for drinking. NEWater can also be used for many other purposes such as providing factories with water for washing purposes and so on.

Sam uses 200 liters of water a day He saves 10 liters per day bye turing the tap of while he brushes his teeth By what percentage did he reduce his water consumption?

The Answer Is 5%.

Jake uses 6 pints of tomato sauce when he cooks his special spaghetti sauceAbout how many liters is this?

about 2.83905 liters.. for future reference: 1 Pint = 0.4731764725 Liters

What is the normal voltage of electricity for house in Singapore?

Singapore uses 230 volts at 50Hz.

How much oil liters Jeep Laredo 6-cylinder 1996?

The 4.0L uses just under 6 liters with filter.The 4.0L uses just under 6 liters with filter.

How long can the body go with very little water?

Basicly the human body is made up of 5 liters of water and uses up 2 liters each day. So if u dont drink water for 3 days it is probable that you will die.

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On average, a person uses hot water for showering and for preparing food. A person can use about 50 liters of hot water in a day.

What do Mexicans use water for?

The same uses most humans have: to irrigate crops and hydrate farm animals, as drinking water and for many industrial processes. Mexican people consume an approximate of 264 liters (69.74 gal) of water per person, per day.