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It could be seen by millions of people

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Q: How many lunar eclipses can someone see in a lifetime?
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How many lunar eclipses are there yearly?

none to 3 lunar eclipses a year

How many total lunar eclipses were there in 2008?

There was 2 lunar eclipses in 2008.

How many lunar eclipse are there?

none to 3 lunar eclipses a year

How many eclipses in 2010?

On average, we can expect two lunar eclipses and two solar eclipses in any year. 2010 will have four eclipses, right on the average.

How many times a year does a lunar eclipse occur?

Total lunar eclipses occur between 0-3 times per year.

In how many years does a full lunar eclipse appear?

There are generally two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses each year. Of the lunar eclipses, about 40% are "total"; the remainder are partial or penumbral. A lunar eclipse is visible from one-half of the Earth's surface. So on average, and weather permitting, you will see a total lunar eclipse about every third year.

How many eclipses are there in a calendar year?

The answer very much depends on the year. One calendar year has a minimum of four eclipses, which are two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses. A year can have as many as seven eclipses. So each year is different.

How many lunar eclipses occured during the year 2001?

13 times

How many lunar eclipses are going to occur in 2010?

There is only going to be one!

How many times during a year could there be a solar or lunar eclipse?

During the 100 years of the 20th Century (1901 - 2000), there were 228 solar eclipses and 13 times lunar eclipses.

Does a lunar eclipse occur every 3 year?

During the 100-year period from 1901 to 2000, there were 228 solar eclipses and 229 lunar eclipses. On the average, that's 2.28 or 2.29 of each kind, for every year, but in in individual year, it can be as many as 4

How many lunar eclipse does earth experience each year?

It varies. During the 100 years of the 20th Century (1901 - 2000), there were 228 solar eclipses and 229 lunar ones, for an average of about 2.3 per year. Any one year may have 2 - 5 of each.