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Q: How many people did Joseph Stalin kill himself?
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How many jews did Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin kill combined?

joseph stalin killed over 123,000 people but he didnt kill any jews

How many people did Joseph Stalin kill with his terror famine?

Many people are saying that Joseph Stalin killed 20 million people. WRONG.... Stalin killed 42 million people.

Did Joseph Stalin's ideas lead to rebellion?

Yes and no...Stalin did have many people hp wanted to rebel but Stalin was so ruthless that he'd kill everyone who even looked suspicious.

How many Christians did Joseph Stalin kill?

11 million at least

Did Joseph Stalin kill to get rid of Jews?

Joseph Stalin did not intentionally target Jews, but he did amass quite a large amount of killings. Stalin killed over 20 million people in his purges and five-year plans.

How does Joseph die in orbiting Jupiter?

Joseph kill himself

Who was a big threat to Hitler?

The public. Look up the July Bomb Plot. Lots of people tried to kill Hitler.

Why did Joseph Stalin want to kill people?

it's not that he wanted to kill people, its just that he probably felt that he was weeding out the weak from the strong, thus making Russia stronger. I don't agree with that, but, that was maybe how he felt.

What were Joseph Stalin's favorite things to do?

watched movies, films and listened to classical music.

Why did Joseph Stalin kill so many of his people during and before WWll?

The most major reason was simply to make sure there was no chance of a revolution or revolt of any sort. Stalin constantly made sure threats were eliminated.

How did Stalin kill people?

Stalin's opponents were sent to the Siberian labor camps called gulags where they were worked to death if not they would kill him.

Did Stalin really kill 60 million people?
