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On the Titanic they were tested for the weight of 70 adult men. However, even at full capacity there would not have been enough room for every person aboard. Maritime law has changed since then and there must be enough room on lifeboats for every living soul aboard a ship.

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Q: How many people fit in lifeboats?
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How many people can fit in a life boat in the Titanic?

Titanic's fourteen standard lifeboats, at 30 ft. long, could fit about 70 people if need be. The two cutters and four Englehardts were slightly smaller and thus could carry slightly fewer people.

How many people can fit in a lifeboat?

That totally depends on the size of the lifeboats. Small ones might fit 30, but the ones on some of the big cruise ships can fit 370+.

How many men tested lifeboats for the titanic?

Most of them could fit over 60 people but a few had less capacity.

How many people were acutally loaded into the lifeboats on the Titanic?

There were 712 survivors of Titanic in the lifeboats.

How many people could the number of lifeboats on the ship save?

Titanic carried 20 lifeboats, enough for 1178 people.

How many peolpe did the lifeboats hold?

1,178 people

How many people were put on lifeboats?

20 in each

How many people can fit in a lifeboat from the titanic?

the people that were rich got on the lifeboats frist and there were 201 rich people but just childrenand woman got on the boat and man did not

Why weren't the life boats full after the titanic sunk?

Even though the lifeboats could fit up to 20 people, they weren't sure of how much weight the lifeboats could handle.

How many livesboate were there on the Titanic?

There was 20 lifeboats on the Titanic. My opinion is that they should have had more lifeboats because people travelled on Her for a reason.

How many people didnt the lifeboats on titantic save?


How many people can the lifeboats hold from the titanic?

89 /90