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there is around about 1.7 million says bbc news

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1.7 million (proved by BBC news)

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Q: How many children with special needs in Yorkshire?
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How many children are there with special needs?

In 2005-2006 an estimated 13.9% of children in the United States had special needs. At that time, the number of children with special needs seemed to be increasing.

How many special-needs children are there in the US?

Aprroximately 150,000.

Teaching and Special Needs Children.?

If you have children with special needs, then of course they are going to be treated differently than main stream students, and that would be particular to their individual and specific needs. That's why they are classified as children with special needs.

Which preschools in the Los Angeles area are good for special needs children?

There are many special schools for children with Down Syndrome all around the Los Angeles area that can accommodate your family and their needs. Artwell School for Children With Special Needs is a non profit foundation that offers education opportunities for families in just your situation.

What Barriers are there for children with special needs to overcome in a mainstream school?

There can be so many barriers for kids with special needs in regular education. They can have physical or emotional barriers,or both.

Are there any daycares for special needs children in Arlington, Texas?

The Green Oaks School is a school for special needs kids, especially those with Down Syndrome. They are located in Arlington, Texas. Many schools have programs within the district to mainstream kids with special needs. Turning Point is a school in Arlington for troubled children.

Cognitive Science: Helping Special Needs Children?

Cognitive science is one of the most useful majors for students wishing to pursue a career in education. Cognitive science is the study of how the mind processes information. As such, this major is very helpful for students desiring to teach special needs children. Special needs children process information in a different way than do ordinary people. A special needs teacher knows how to communicate with special needs children, so that they can process information and learn different subjects. Cognitive science includes the study of how emotions and language are processed in the mind. In addition, cognitive science majors also study the reasoning habits of the human mind. Because there is so much breadth in this field of study, it is a flexible major that can be applied to many industries.

Where did kids that had autism go in 1935?

Autism wasn't identified until the late 1960's and even now the definition and research on it changes continually. Special needs children were not identified in 1935 and many who were severely impaired with various conditions were put into mental wards, hospitals for the insane, or were at home with the parents. It is only in recent history that special needs children were given access to programs that meet their needs.

How to Make Parenting Decisions for Special Needs Children?

Although it can be difficult for parents of special needs children to come to terms with their children’s disabilities, a child will look to his or her parents for guidance regarding his or her condition through his or her development. In order for a child to be able to find a way to thrive in the world despite a physical or mental disability, a parent will need to make some decisions that will be extremely personal and difficult to make. Let’s take a detailed look at some of the most important decisions that parents of special needs children need to make.While there is a great deal of different types of resources and programs available to special needs children and their parents, the truth is that many experts on child development are unsure how beneficial exposing a young child to excessive treatment really is. Some of these programs are very effective at teaching special needs children different techniques to cope with their disability, but many programs have an unintentional effect of ostracizing special needs children from other children in their peer group. This is particularly the case in the public school system where traditional special needs children programs inhibit a young child’s ability to socialize with the rest of his or her schoolmates.Unless a special needs child is severely disabled or requires the assistance of a teacher for the developmentally disabled, every possible effort should be made to minimize the social impact of a child’s disability in his or her educational experience. Today’s generation of children have been exposed to a much more open minded society and have been taught by their parents and teachers to be accepting of others regardless of their physical and mental capabilities.Having the opportunity to socialize and interact with other children in a normal way is one of the best ways for special needs children not to get hung up on their disability and realize that society is willing to accept them for who they are. In fact, there is currently a movement driven by adults who were raised as special needs children that calls for educational and medical institutions to consider some disabilities simply as conditions rather than flaws or problems that can be treated or fixed.

Financial Planning for Special Needs Children?

Managing your finances can be tough enough. When you throw kids into the mix it gets a lot more complicated. If one of those kids happens to be a special needs child, everything becomes more complex, including the financial planning involved. All children necessitate financial planning, but the complexities of planning for a special needs child go well beyond the norm. It is best to seek professional help to navigate the laws of your state. Many federal and state programs offer assistance when it comes to raising a special needs child, however you may exempt the child from certain programs if you do not plan correctly. Sometimes friends and grandparents like to help by giving financial gifts to children. In the case of special needs kids, however, this can hurt them. In many states, a special needs child who has over a specific dollar amount of money in her own name could find she is ineligible for aid that she desperately needs. One planning tool that can assist parents of special needs children is the special needs trust. These trusts are set up with an eye to the specific laws of each state and are constructed in such a way that allows money to be held in trust for the care of the child, but it doesn’t make them ineligible for other aid programs. If you have a special needs child I highly recommend you find a local specialist in special needs trusts that can help you navigate this complex area of financial planning. Check with local law offices and trust companies. Find out who deals in this niche. Don’t go with just anyone, either. The wrong choices could leave your child without recourse they would otherwise have. This is not an area you want to handle in a DIY fashion.

Where can one train to be suited for special needs jobs?

There are many places where one can train to be suited for special needs jobs. One looking to train to be suited for special needs jobs include JSSA, Vineland Training, and Peace Corps.

What are Yorkshire accents associated with?

Yorkshire accents are commonly associated with northern England, particularly the county of Yorkshire. They are known for distinct pronunciation characteristics and vocabulary, and are often portrayed in media as friendly, straightforward, and down-to-earth.