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A tetrad is the pairing of homologous chromosomes. A human offspring inherits 23 chromosomes (N) from each parent upon fertilization, giving the offspring 46 chromosomes (2N). In meiosis, homologous chromosomes (N from mom and N from dad) come together and form a tetrad, which consists of 2 homologous chromosomes. Since you inherit a chromosome from both parents (2N) that pair up to form a tetrad, you will have 23 tetrads that have a chromosome from mom and dad paired together.

1 N from mom + 1 N from dad = homologous pair = 1 tetrad

2N/2 = N tetrad --humans--> 2(23 chromosomes)/2 = 23 tetrads

Diploid#/2 = # tetrad

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Q: In humans the number of tetrads formed during mitosis is?
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How many chromsomes will be in the new body cells formed from mitosis?

46 in humans

During anaphase of mitosis in humans do the chromosomes have one or two chromotids?

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Mitosis in humans results in the formation of what?

During cell division, mitosis produces two diploid cells that are identical to each and parent cells. Mitosis is critical for cell growth, repair and reproduction.

What is mitosis How many new cells are formed and how many chromosomes are in each newly formed cell?

Mitosis is a kind of cell division, where a parent cell splits into two identical daughter cells. Two cells are created during mitosis, but the original cell no longer exists so the total number will go up by one (or, if you're looking at multiple cells, the total number will double). The new cells have the same number of chromosomes as the original cell before it divided.

How many chromosones are visible at the beginning of mitosis?

These answers are, well, misguided. The number of chromosomes visible at the beginning of mitosis is whatever the full complement of chromosomes is for that organism. In humans, it would be 46. As mitosis proceeds, these are replicated to 92, but at the very beginning of mitosis you would still have the diploid number.

How many cells do humans have after mitosis?

double what the person already had if mitosis is when cells divide into two cells

What are the stages in animal mitosis?

The same as for any other type of mitosis. Mitosis is mitosis.... Mitosis is the duplication of a single cell without sexual recombination of DNA. In some species, mitosis can be a form of reproduction (asexual). In humans, mitosis is how you grow and repair wounds.

What is produced by mitosis in humans?

it creates more cells

When do we have 46 chromosomes in meiosis or mitosis?

we have 46 chromosomes in Mitosis during interphase when the DNA doubles, but really Humans have 23 chromosomes. Meiosis is reproduction and goes through Mitosis twice but skips interphase the second time and creates gametes(sex cells) -Marina20

Do human use mitosis or miosis?

Humans use both- mitosis to grow, meiosis to form sex cells for reproduction.

What is the difference between male mitosis and female mitosis for humans?

There is no difference, mitosis is the division of cells for the repair of damages areas, or growth, meiosis is different in male and females, mitosis isnt. Sources: An A in biology class

What is formed in the final phase of mitosis?

A pair of diploid Cells - each Cell has a full number of chromosomes like most body Cells. For example, humans have 46 chromosomes in almost every body Cell. After mitosis, the daughter Cells will also have 46 chromosomes. Two Daughter Cells.