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If you counted 1 dwarf galaxy per second, it would take 222,000 years to count all 7 trillion dwarf galaxies in the universe.

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Q: How many years would it take to count 7 trillion dwarf galaxies in the universe?
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Related questions

Are there at least 7 trillion or more dwarf galaxies in the observable universe?

Yes, the current Dwarf galaxies in the visible universe are 7 trillion.

What is the estimated number of dwarf galaxies since there are 100 billion galaxies in the universe?

There are approximately 7 trillion dwarf galaxies in the universe.

How many stars on the galaxies?

A dwarf galaxy can have a few million stars; a huge galaxy can have a trillion stars or more.

Is it true that elliptical galaxies are sometimes called dwarf galaxies?

You can have dwarf elliptical galaxies.

What galaxies are sometimes called dwarf galaxies being typically smaller than spiral galaxies?

Elliptical galaxies are sometime called dwarf galaxies.

How many stars in the average galaxy?

Galaxies vary a lot in size, from dwarf galaxies that have a few hundred million stars, to huge galaxies with a hundred trillion stars. (That's a ratio of about 1 to a million.)Our own galaxy has somewhere between 200 and 400 billion stars. Actually, most galaxies are quite a bit smaller than our own galaxy, since dwarf galaxies occur in larger numbers.

What galaxy is smaller than a Spiral and Elliptical Galaxy?

By virtue of their name, dwarf galaxies are smaller. Most galaxies are dwarf galaxies.

Do Dwarf galaxies contain only dwarf stars?

Dwarf galaxies merely refer to the size of the galaxy itself, not the stars in the galaxy, so no.

What type of galaxy is the dimmest?

There are galaxies that orbit our galaxy that are believed to be filled with a lot of dark matter. Segue 1 is one of about two dozen dwarf galaxies around ours that have light outputs equal to only a few hundred times that of our sun. There are probably untold numbers of other such galaxies around the more visible galaxies. This is a possible explanation for the discrepancy in the predicted mass of the universe and the observed mass. Some theories postulate that 90% of the mass of the universe is composed of this unobservable "dark matter". The existence of these dim dwarf galaxies help explain the discrepancy.

Do dozens of dwarf galaxies merge and form into a giant elliptical galaxy?

Not just dwarf galaxies. Giant elliptical galaxies lie likely the result of many galaxies, small and large, merging.

Do some dwarf galaxies contain 1 billion stars?

Yes. Some dwarf galaxies contain at least 1 billion stars.

The local group contains mainly spiral galaxies?

No. It has only 3 big spiral galaxies, but dozens of dwarf galaxies.