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While there are many opinions about marijuana use and its effects, both positive and negative, this question is specifically about crime. Depending on location, jurisdiction and local laws from country to country and state to state, there are many crimes related to the growing, processing, possession, use, sale, and/or distribution of marijuana. Obviously, if you are in an area where any of these laws exist, then violating these laws would result in crime. It might be a philosophical point of view as to weather or not the marijuana "caused" the crime, or people's behavior and choice to violate a current law relating to marijuana that was the cause.

On the other side of the legal cause issue, we can consider cases where people who were under the "influence" of marijuana committed any other crime not directly related to possession or distribution of an illegal drug or controlled substance. Statistics might be difficult to find, or sort through, but it seems to be an established medical fact that any use of marijuana can impair one's thinking, decision making, reflex and response time. There have been many cases where a person under the influence any mind altering drug has committed crimes that they would not likely have otherwise committed, but these are unknown quantities and theories which may be difficult to determine the actual cause.

It might be accurate to say that the use of marijuana can and does cause some people to either become more violent, or less responsive, and their uninhibited actions and lack of good judgment while under the influence of marijuana might cause them to steal, slander others, falsely report crimes that did not occur, interfere with police investigations, drive while under the influence of the drug, or be neglectful in the safety of an infant, minor child, or elderly person in their care.

Crime statistics will likely change over time, especially with more prevalent use of the drug after legalization of marijuana in various locations, but the most common association of marijuana to crime would probably be with crimes related to desires to obtain marijuana or gain the money (breaking and entering, larceny, robbery, or theft to sell items) to purchase marijuana, and crimes of negligence that result in injury or death to others. Anyone whose negligent behavior at work that might result in harm to others could be charged with a crime related to marijuana if the influence of marijuana is determined to have caused the injury or death to others. High risk of this might likely be present among those who are in a position of caring for the safety and well-being of others, such as the medical profession, public transportation (cab, bus, train, boat or airplane), or teachers and daycare staff, etc.

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Q: How marijuana can cause crime?
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There isn't. Marijuana use alone is a crime.

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