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If sperm count and motility is too low, he needs to get it done in-vitro.

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Q: How men having Single testes can become father?
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Related questions

Do man with big testes have stronger sex?

No, the size is irrelevant for having sex.

What are the probable causes of testes not dropping?

If the testes don't descend (drop) after birth, then the male can become sterile (infertile), and the risk of testicular cancer increases.

Can a person live with one testes?

Absolutely ! A man can still father a child if he has only one testicle.

WhAT IS functional advantage of having testes in the scrotum rather than in the abdomen?

The testes can only produce functional semen at a certain temperature. If they were in the abdomen, the environment would be too warm. Since the scrotum is only a thin piece of skin, the testes are contained in an environment that is the perfect temperature.

It is advantageous to have human testes in the scrotum rather than in the abdomen due to?

It's due to the cooling effect of having the testes outside the main portion of the body. Testes need a slightly lower temperature than the rest of the body, for ideal functioning. Overheating will reduce fertility.

What is Pertaining to the testes?


What cell becomes a sex cell?

A normal body cell transfers to the testes and become a sex cell.

Can a man still have a baby after having a tastical hernia?

Yes, most likely having a testicular hernia will not damage the ability of the testes to make and transport spermatazoa.

What is located at the upper part of the testes where sperm cells are stored until they become matured?

The upper part of the testes where sperm cells are stored until they become matured is called the epididymis. It is a coiled tube where sperm undergo maturation and are stored until they are ready to be ejaculated.

What determines whether the indifferent gonads in a mammalian embryo will develop into ovaries or testes?

It probably has to do with the predetermination of the baby's sex. If the father contributed a Y chromosome, then the indifferent gonads would develop into testes. If an X was contributed then they would develop into ovaries.

What is the synonym of testes?

Testicles is the synonym for testes.

What is the function of female testes?

Females do not have testes. Testes are male reproductive organs. The female equivalent of testes is ovaries, which produce eggs and female sex hormones.