

How much money can you make by making an app?

Updated: 3/11/2023
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13y ago

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It depends if it's free or not. It also depends on if its actually a fun game or useful tool.

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You do have to be signed in when making an app purchase because iTunes and The App Store need to know what account to withdraw money from. Hope that Helps:)


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No, you cannot make an iPod app for free. It costs around $200 for a premium app making kit and around $400 for an advanced app making kit. Current prices are available at

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you can't. you can make an app on your computer withe the software but i don't think there are any app making software's out there on the app store. i have a 2g ipod touch.

How much money does apple make off of its apps?

Apple gets a 30% cut from PAID apps in the App Store

How do you make a free iTunes app?

You cannot make an app for the iPod to put up on iTunes for free. The app making software costs hundreds of dollars to purchase.

Does it cost money to use the app on i touch?

Once you buy an app, you can use it as much as you want.

If i make 1353 a week how much you make a year?

If you made 1353 dollars a year then you would make 71,709 dollars a year. If your are wondering what about when leap year comes around, need not be concerned because that only adds a day so you will basically still be making the same amount of money. P.S. what job you working where you make that much money a week, i think you need to hit me up with an app of that's the case.

How much money can you get from creating apps?

If your an app creator you can make money by creating a fiver account and selling your creations to any who is willing to buy it . Its difficult to build "quality" apps from scratch tho.. If your not as tech savvy mess around with apps that make money from ur phone . here's the url for the app i use //

Is it easy to make money?

Use handy pick app(play or app store)+sign up+use code to get 3$:MRX1CN

Do you have to pay for making an account on app store?

No, but buying Paid apps cost money. Making the account is free