

How much snow do they need in the winter Olympics?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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you need about 4000lbs.

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Q: How much snow do they need in the winter Olympics?
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The reason it is called "winter" is that some of the sports need snow or ice. There is no snow or ice in the Bahamas so they can't be held there.

What is a winter Olympics?

winter oympics is sports that include snow and ice.

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The only requirement i can think of is that it must snow in February.

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yes becaause any city can hold it because most city have snow so only thing you need is snow because it is a winter Olympics that's is why

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No other event occurs after the Olympics. What about the Winter Olympics for snow type events and then the para Olympics.

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Most winter sports do not require snow.

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Hockey, beer, snow, sliced ham, maple syrup, and winter olympics.

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