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Q: How much sperm does a man have for him to be considered infertile?
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When semen comes out does it always have sperm?

It usually does unless the man is infertile.

What is the probability of the couple not getting children?

There is no simple answer for this. There are many reasons why a couple may not have children: - too old, - same gender, - the woman is infertile, - the man is infertile, - not enough sex - too much sex - low sperm count Narrow down the scope and you have a much better chance of estimating. If a man and woman are fertile, their chance is extremely high.

How much sperm must be produced before a man is considered fertile?

It doesn't depend on how much of sperm is produced for a man to be fertile but it depends on the quality of the sperm. Many lifestyle factors affect the quality of sperm, eg. Smoking, excessive alcohol intake , temperature at which the testicles are kept at, etc.

Does being sterile mean you cannot have a baby?

Yes, it means you're a man that is incapable of producing the regular amounts of sperm or any sperm at all. For a woman, it is called Infertile and means that there is a slim to none chance that you'd be able to reproduce.

What does it mean when a 32 yr old male only releases seminal fluid?

If a man is only releasing seminal fluid, it implies that he is not releasing any sperm, so he would be infertile.

Does daily sex make a man infertile?

no no this natural poses over exertion have no side effects on fertility

How much sperm did man have?

Every time a man ejaculates there is about one teaspoon full.

How much sperm does a man have in his body?

More than a billion.

An adult man lacking the hormone would most likely exhibit a low sperm count and be infertile?

I would think they would just exhibit a lower sex drive, or carving if they lacked the hormone.

Can a man get neutered?

No. A vasectomy is the tying of the vas deferens to pevent sperm reaching the ejaculate and therefore makes the man infertile . Castration is the removal of the testes which produce spermatozia and testosterone. Neutering is usually reserved for animals

How much sperm can be produce by single testicle?

The man ejactulates about 30 million or so sperm per ejaculation

Why do women love men's sperm?

Yes...bcz man sperm is much tasty & containing protin...98%