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You can't really measure it because there are so many other things going on in addition to your homework - school, normal brain development, and even educational TV! The only thing we can say for sure is that doing the homework will help you understand the material better and make better grades.

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Q: How much stronger does your brain get when you do homework?
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Cheating will get you nowhere. Ask your teacher for help if the questions really trouble you that much.

Can homework make people die?

No, by no means, but much like lifting weights or riding a bike can make your body stronger, homework can make your mind stronger. You may find that the less time you spend whining about it and trying to avoid it, the sooner you will be done.

How much money does homework use?

Homework uses no money - it just uses your brain power!If you mean how much money do you use buying supplies and books for your homework, you'd have to get your calculator and add them up. Everybody shops at different places, so everybody spends different amounts of money.

Does homework damage your brain?

Learning is not harmful to your brain, no matter how stupid you may want to be!

Is there an invention to find lost homework?

Yes. It's called a brain. Nature invented it after millions of years of evolution. Use your brain to remember where you put your homework and you will not lose it.

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your brain gets stronger and you think more better

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Why did George Washington like peanuts so much?

Because it is his favorite food

What are the advantages of weekend homework?

Homework over the weekends allows you more time to finish, and keeps your brain active and learning.

Can you say you have many homework?

No, you can say "I have a lot of homework." Or "I have to much homework"

How does exercise affect the brain?

The brain, which is the vital organ of the body, gets stronger and more clever.

How can you make over brain more stronger?

reading. or learning. also known as "exercising your brain."