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Q: How much was a macdonalds filet of fish in 1972?
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How much oil is in 1 frozen fish filet?

Not enough

How Much Does McDonalds filet fish?

every store is different.

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Which came first Filet o fish or egg mc muffin?

Filet-o-Fish...1962....McMuffin early 1970's The Filet-o-Fish was developed because the franchisees in heavily Catholic areas were losing too much money on Fridays during Lent (when Catholics do not eat meat). Since they, at first, didn't have anything a Catholic could eat, they were losing out to other restaurants that did have fish and other meatless options.

How much fat is in a MacDonalds double cheese burger?

macdonalds double cheeseburgers have alot of fat but i dont know how much exactly

How much does a salmon filet weigh?

My guess is around 15g. But it could be anywhere between 10 and 25 depending on the producer of the fish

How much is Alan sugar worth?

as much as a fat person spends at macdonalds!

How much does a filet of fish meal cost?

The price of the McDonalds filet-o-fish meal varies based on location. Many restaurants in Michigan will have this meal available for about 5 dollars and 75 cents.

How much food does a kudu eat?

Depends how long MacDonalds is open

How much ketchup does MacDonalds use?

30 kgs in one year!

What will happen if there is no healthy food?

macdonalds will become much more popular

How much Filet Mignon for 50 people?

twelve pounds