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what should be my tax code for earning 118,000

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Q: How much you will pay in taxes if you earned 118000?
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How much cents out of every dollar earned do Americans pay in taxes?

29 ¢

How much taxes do you have to pay on $600.00?

How much federal taxes do you have to pay on $600?

What if you have no money to pay your taxes?

You are legally required to pay taxes. Taxes are only due on money you have earned therefore if you owe taxes you have had the money. If you do not pay the taxes you owe you will be sent to court and made to pay - even if you go to prison you will still owe the tax man.

Do you have to pay taxes in the US on income earned outside the US?


Do you have to pay taxes on earned interest?

Yes, interest income is taxable.

Do you pay taxes on saving account balances?

you don't pay taxes on the balance, you are however responsible to pay taxes on any interest earned over $10 annually. Unless the savings account has been registered as an IRA

What is gross pay to date?

Gross pay to date is the amount of money an employee has earned, up to a certain date, before taxes are taken out. After taxes are taken out it is called net pay.

Do immigrants pay the same amount of taxes as Americans?

Taxes on income earned in the US is the same for all wage earners.

What businesses pay this tax on profits earned?

All business operations pay taxes of all kinds plus income taxes on the net profit from the business operation.

How much do you pay in taxes?

Too much for what I get out of it... ;-)

Do i have to pay taxes for doing private clients hair?

Yes. You must pay income tax on all earned income.

Are wages earned your gross pay or your net pay?

The wages you earn are your gross pay. After taxes and everything else is removed from your paycheck, what remains is your net pay.