

How old is the oldest part of the monument Stonehenge?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Archaeologists believe it was built anywhere from 3000 BC to 2000 BC.

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Q: How old is the oldest part of the monument Stonehenge?
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What materials were used at Stonehenge?

The outcrop sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Late Cretaceous, Santonian Age, calcium carbonates. The outcrop sedimentary rocks comprise the first construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 85 million years old. These rocks are locally called the Seaford Chalk Formation (Stonehenge White Chalk). The oldest limestone sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Mississippian Period (Early Carboniferous), Arundian Age, calcium carbonates. The Mississippian Period limestone sedimentary rocks comprise the first (1st) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 340 million years old. These rocks are locally called the Birnbeck Limestone Formation (Stonehenge Whitestones). The volcanic rocks (oldest geologically) at Stonehenge are the Ordovician Period intrusive igneous diabases (dolerites), and extrusive igneous felsites (rhyolites) and tuffs (basic). The Ordovician Period igneous rocks comprise the second (2nd) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 470 million years old. These rocks are locally called the Ordovician Volcanics (Stonehenge Bluestones). The oldest sandstone sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Silurian and Devonian Period micaceous sandstones. The Silurian and Devonian Period sedimentary sandstone rocks comprise the third (3rd) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 417 million years old. These rocks are locally called the Old Red Sandstone Formation (Stonehenge Coshestons). The youngest sandstone sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Oligocene and Miocene Period silicates. The Oligocene and Miocene Period sandstone sedimentary rocks comprise the fourth (4th) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 24 million years old. These rocks are locally called the Reading Formation (Stonehenge Sarsens).

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The Washington Monument is 126 years old.

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It varies, but the oldest part is 180 million years old

Was Stonehenge built in 1010?

I am afraid Stonehenge is a lot older than that. Investigations on the site of Stonehenge place the beginning of the earthwork at 3000BC. That makes Stonehenge about 50 centuries or 5,000 years old.

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Who are the oldest old?

the oldest are old bcause they are old

How long has the Stonehenge been standing for?

The oldest parts of Stonehenge are probably the rocks which form the circle, or the air that surrounds it. The rocks would be millions of years old. The air would be even older, but since its composition changed over the lifetime of our planet, this date is less certain. The stone circle in its present form is thought to be approximately 5000 years old, although the site is said to have been used even earlier.

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Why was Stonehenge built many of years ago?

Stonehenge is probably one of the most recognisable monuments in the world. The 5000 year old henge monument became a World Heritage Site in 1986 and is managed by English Heritage. Despite years of research and study the reason behind the construction of Stonehenge remains a mystery. Stonehenge is also known as the 'Giant's Dance' and the stones thought to be erected by Devil, while in the C18th people believed scrapings from stones could heal wounds. People continue to wonder just why Stonehenge was built with some suggesting it was used as a giant astronomical observatory. In truth, it's fair to say that we're as much in the dark as we've always been.