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The poorer, lower class were usually the ones who did manual labor, working on construction sites and farming.

The richer, higher class were the leaders/organizers of all of the workers

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10y ago

The Aryans divided the people into four castes. They are the Brahmins or the priests, Kshatriyas or the nobles, Vaishyas or the merchants and artisans and the Sudras or the laborers.

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14y ago

the ayrans divided their people by occupation. three basic groups

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3y ago

they kicked out everyone that didn't cook food for the godfather

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The gender

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Q: What Aryans divided people into classes?
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Aryan society was traditionally divided into three different groups or classes. The Aryans called their different classes varnasvarnas:The Aryan word for its social class groups.. By 1000 BC, as the Aryans migrated into the Indian subcontinent, a fourth, subordinate group emerged for those native peoples who were captured and enslaved.

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