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Tudor women were treated very badly and had no respect from anybody but themselfs. Also because the men would treat them badly because of men thought they could do jobs better then them. The Women tried very hard

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Q: How were women treated in 16th century?
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How were European women treated in the seventh century?

European women were treated very poorly in the seventh century. They were property.

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What role did the women play in the 16th century?

women were challenged with expressing themselves in a patriarchal system that generally refused grant merit to women's views - Not all women were treated in this way. Consider the following women who ruled countries in the 16th century: Queen Mary I of England Queen Elizabeth I of England Queen Mary of Scotland Queen Catherine of Navarre Queen Joan III of Navarre Queen Isabella I of Spain Queen Joanna of Spain Queen Anna of Poland Some of these women were pretty fierce. And my suspicion is that these were not the only women in 16th century Europe who had important roles to play.

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Women had no rights in 15th century Denmark. Women were not able to vote until 1915.

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Grace O'Malley

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1584 is in the 16th century.

What did women wear in 16th century?

They wore large dresses shapped like scrotums.

What rights did women have in the 16th century UK?

In the 16th century UK, women had very limited rights. They were considered legally subordinate to men, with few property or inheritance rights. Women were generally expected to be obedient to their husbands and had few opportunities for education or employment outside the home.

What decade were lace dresses worn?

16th century October.

Were men and women treated the same in the 17th century?

No they were not... men were more controlling over their women then they are now.

Why do all portraits of women from 16th century England look so similar?

Portraits of the women from the 16th Century in England might look similar because, at the time, portraits had to be drawn and painted. There was only a handful of people at that time who were skilled enough to do this type of work.

How were Jews treated in the 1600s?

In the 16th century, Jews thrived economically and took part in the settler movement of Poland.