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The question is much too broad to be answered specifically. However - if you are still legally a minor, possibly, your parents might be be held liable for civil damages, but they would not be held responsible for your criminal activities. If you are considered to be legally an adult in your state, it is only YOU that would be responsible for your actions.

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Q: I am 19 Living in a dorm at college my parents pay for everything Are they legally liable for my actions or can they get sued for something i do?
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In California if your 18 yr old owns a car and is going to college are the parents legally responsible for his actions?

No. He is a legal adult and is responsible for his own actions, whether he lives with you or not.

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Unless it is punishable by law, children are not legally held accountable for their actions, but their parents can because they are responsible for the actions of their children.

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Laws, rules and regulations are the framework for a civilized society. We need to know the consequences of our actions and the actions of other people. We need to have an understanding of what is and what is not permitted. When you do something that is considered morally and legally unacceptable and counterproductive to society you cause harm to society as a whole.

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At the age of 18 a person is legally considered an adult and legally responsible for their actions, whether the actions be: illegal; signing a contract; getting married.

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If you quailify as legally blind, yes.

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Legally, no.

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Legally, all you need is an authorized officiant and two holders of the same marriage license. Everything else is optional.

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If you are not yet at the age of emancipation in your state, and/or have not been emancipated by court action, you could be forced to return to your parents/guardians home. Your parents/guardians are STILL legally responsible for everything you do and your actions even if you move out.

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No, the child is 18 therefor an adult in charge of their own actions.

Can a immigrated person go to college?

as long as it was done legally if not then No

Is the post office allowed to open packages?

Yes, and letters too. If they think there is something wrong or dangerous they can open them.

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if it is addressed to you, you can legally open it.