

Best Answer
A:Jesus as the only way to heaven is a uniquely Christian belief. For example, Muslims believe that you should be a Muslim to go to heaven. Daoists believe you are reincarnated until you achieve perfect spiritual knowledge and goodness, after which you also go to heaven. Some do not believe that heaven even exists.

As for the Christian belief, when I was a young child living in an entirely Christian society, I read a beautiful poem about a Muslim who was so righteous that God told everyone he would go to heaven. This is the kind of thing I wish all children of all faiths were taught. Another Christian view was recently put by Cardinal George Pell, who said that in his view even atheists will "certainly" go to heaven if they have led good lives.

Another Answer:

The Scripture tells us that the only way to be in Paradise (Heaven) and see God is through Jesus Christ:

John 14:6New International Version (NIV)

6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

It also tells us God's Plan for mankind in His great love for us. He did not create us to destroy us and fully understands, even empathizes via Jesus, how lost we have become without His Spirit within us. So what of the billions who never fully had the chance to get to accept Jesus as their Savior - the aborted, infant or childhood deaths, those who worshipped other 'gods/idols' or nothing? This is what the Judgement Process is for.

All who wrongly or never knew the correct way to eternal life will have their chance before Jesus after the Millennial Rule - many Scriptures refer to this. Indeed, a future time is coming when God will write His Law upon each human's new heart so they will fully know God's way and not need someone else to interpret rightly or wrongly for them. They will then grow in this knowledge and have the opportunity to chose to become a son or daughter in the God Family or face the 2nd and permenant death (Romans 6:23).

Lastly, the Scipture tells all who read it, that Heaven and God the Father, with His Son, will come to be with His new family on a New Earth (Revelation 21) which will become headquarters for the entire spiritual world.

The Scripture is very clear that no one 'goes' to Heaven except Jesus (John 3:13). Quite the opposite, God and Heaven will come to Earth. That is the great hope of all humanity and not the teachings of men.

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Q: If Jesus is only way to Heaven does this mean that followers of other religions can not go heaven?
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