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As long as your not alergic to anything in the product then yes. Ask your doctor for their opinion anyway. Don't worry I am alergic to eggs and take egg substitues. You should try Orgran. It is a very good substitute :)

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Q: If a person is allergic to eggs can they have an egg substitute instead?
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Do you need eggs to make waffels?

Yes, you do. If you are allergic, perhaps there is something that can substitute it?

Can individuals with chicken egg allergies eat duck eggs?

People who are allergic to chicken eggs may be able to eat duck eggs but it depends on the severity of the allergy and what, specifically, in the chicken egg the person is allergic to. Some people are allergic only to chicken eggs, some are allergic to all poultry products and all bird eggs.

What food to avoid if you are allergic to egg?

That depends on if you are allergic to all egg-products or just straight eggs. If you are allergic to egg-products, you should avoid anything that has eggs in it (including bread and other baked goods like cakes and cookies). If you are allergic to just straight eggs, avoid things with plain eggs (scrambled eggs, quiche, omelets, mousse, etc.). A lot of things have eggs in them and it is also important to note that many egg-substitutes are made up of 99% egg, which won't help you if you are allergic to eggs, so be careful what you substitute.

Is a leopard allergic to eggs?

A leopard is only allergic to eggs if they are from a non-kosher chicken.

What does substitutes mean?

Substitute means "to take someone else's place" or to put something else in place instead of the thing that was there... or for the usual. Since Ally isn't here to do cleaning duty today, Rachel, would you be kind enough to substitute for her? My doctor told me about a substitute for regular eggs. Soy milk is a substitute for cow's milk when children are allergic.

Can you use soda instead of eggs for brownies?

It won't be brownies anymore if you do that. > Baking soda is not a substitute for eggs in any recipe. They are completely different things with different functions in baking.

What kind of bread can you have if you are allergic to wheat yeast milk and eggs?

If you are allergic to wheat, yeast, milk, and eggs, you can have vegan bread that is not leavened with yeast and is made with a wheat substitute like rice flour, potato flour, or sorghum flour. Many quickbreads, such as banana bread, are not leavened with yeast and have been adapted to be vegan and gluten-free.

Can 7up substitute eggs?

7up, a beverage containing sugars and carbon dioxide gas, is not a substitute for eggs.

What can be uswhat can you substitute for eggs?

Heavy cream can be used as a substitute for eggs. You can also use some sort of oil as a substitute, but this will depend on what you are making or cooking.

What are the eggs you can use instead of chicken eggs?

The eggs you can substitute are duck, goose or ostrich eggs - basically any egg. All eggs have the same nutritional value, but make sure the eggs you use are fresh. When cooking, check the desired size. The nutrition value is the same in all eggs but not the size. For example, don't substitute a jumbo egg for a peewee egg (these are sizes) as you will get too much wet ingredient than desired for that recipe. Also, don't substitute a peewee egg for a jumbo egg because you won't get enough wet ingredient.

What can you use to replace eggs?

According to Betty Crocker, you can substitute (in most cases) 2 egg yolks for 1 egg. I use an egg substitute such as Egg Beaters insteat. If you are allergic to eggs, I wouldn't use them because they are made with 99% egg whites. The other 1% isn't mentioned. Good question for Wikianswers. do you allow your food to compensate I am allergic to soy and wheat also eggs......?

It's best to make your own food instead of buying processed.