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You'll have fudge in a muffin tin, it won't be a fudge muffin.

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Q: If someone made a fudge mix and put it in a muffin tin would it be as good as fudge muffins?
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Related questions

What kind of muffin goes with Italian breakfast?

Corn muffins would be a good choice.

How do you make chocolate chip zucchini muffins?

Why on earth someone would want to make this is quizzical, but back to the question. You just make the muffin, put in the chocolate chips and zucchini and bake the muffin.* Three easy steps.*This does not mean I have made these.

Where are muffins located on the eat-well plate?

It would come under the unhealthy section if you chose a sweet muffin. By if you chose a savoury muffins it would come under stagy foods.

What would be the substitute of butter in muffins?

-oil -applesauce - mashed bananas - margarine, although it is not recommended Not all options mentioned above will create a good tasting muffin, so you have to try until you get the right muffin for you.

How would you describe muffins?

In England a muffin is a yeast raised type of bread bun. It is baked in a mould and is usually flat on top and bottom with slightly bulging sides. It is not seeded but sometimes has a dusting of corn meal. It is eaten by tearing it into two halves (never cutting it) from side to side. This gives a half muffin with one side composed of the white inside and the other the baked crust. Both sides are then toasted, the baked side first, preferably in front of an open fire. Then the last side to be toasted is buttered and you eat. Butter is usually deemed to be sufficient. Honey or fruit jam if you wish.

Who would you contact about the litter problem in your neighborhood?

Just call 913 muffins the number is weird but it works great and its free also ask for the muffin man to get the littering problem fixed. The scret words are "Is this the muffin Man."

What is the volume of a muffin?

Get a scale and weigh each muffin. Then, wrap each muffin tightly in saran wrap. Submerge the muffin in water and measure the volume as you do with irregular shapes. The reasoning for this is so that the muffin does not absorb any water, which would give you inaccurate data. Finally, divide the mass by the volume.

How can you tell if corn muffin is to old?

Stale corn muffins will be dry and hard, and unpleasant to eat. OTOH, if stored with too much moisture, muffins may spoil, growing mold. These would have a sticky, slimy feel on the outside, and smell nasty.

How many cups are in 5 pounds of muffin mix?

How many muffins you'd get from a one pound package of muffin mix, depends on how big your muffin pans are. The package should say what the expected yield would be if you use a standard size muffin tin that aren't over filled.

What is the History for English Muffin?

The English muffin has come a long way - culturally and geographically. Originally eaten by the "downstairs" servants in England's Victorian society, the English muffin surfaced and rose to prominence in Great Britain when members of all classes of society became aware of its goodness. The family baker made English muffins from leftover bread and biscuit dough scraps and mashed potatoes. He fried the batter on a hot griddle, creating light, crusty muffins for the servants. Once members of the "upstairs" family tasted these rich muffins, they began to request them for themselves - especially during teatime. As a result of the English muffin becoming the "most fancied" bread on the isle, English muffin factories sprang up all over England. Muffin men could be heard in the streets selling their muffins from wooden trays slung around their necks. For teatime in private homes and clubs, the English muffins would be split and toasted over an open fire and served in a covered sterling dish alongside tea. The prominence of the muffin men in English society was evident when "Oh, do you know the muffin man" became a popular children's nursery rhyme. The popularity of the English muffin reached its zenith in Great Britain during the years preceding World War I.

How does the use of paper baking cups affect the baking of muffins?

Usually it just serves as the molder and the means of which you can hold the muffin when you eat it. It also prevents the batter to stick to the muffin molder. It also affects the look of the muffin.

What is the meaning of the rhyme the muffin man?

"The Muffin Man" is a traditional nursery rhyme that originated in England. It is about a fictional character called the Muffin Man who delivers muffins to people's homes in the morning. The rhyme is often used as a children's song or as a way to engage in a simple and playful activity.