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Q: If stay in Mina for 3days and you want to collect 10 extra pebbles how many will you need?
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What do Muslims collect in mina and who do they throw them at?

They collect and throw rocks at it.

Why do Muslims go to muzdalifah to spend a night?

Muslims go to muzdalifah to collect pebbles and to spend that night in worship and IF THE MUSLIMS HAD ALREADY GOT STONES THEY COULD COLLECT EXTRA FOR ANY LOSSES On the 9th of Zill Hajj the Muslims stay in the field of Rafaat, and pray to Almighty Allah karim. Just at sunset they leave Arafat and come to Muzdalfa. They offer their Maghrib (Evening) and Isha Prayers together. Pray to Almighty Allah most part of the night. They may also sleep for sometime. They collect small pebbles for stoning the Satan (jamarats). They offer their Morning prayer and just at sunrise (10th Zill Hajj) leave Muzdalfa for Mina, stoning the Bid Jamra, offering sacrifice, twaf-i-Ziarat and coming out of Ahraam. They come back to Mina after Tawaf-i-Ziarat.

What is important about Mina?

The important thing about mina is that there are three demons which Muslims believe turned into pillars and during umrah or hajj people throw pebbles at the pillars. This is important to Muslims because the demons are being treated badly.

Why is Mina important to Muslims?

Mina, which lies between the Holy City of Makkah and Muzdalifah, is now known as tent city. Here are the white pillars representing the devil at which the pilgrims cast the pebbles they gathered at Muzdalifah.

Why do Muslims throw pebbles at three pillars in Mina?

it is a ritual hajj worship to symbolize stoning the devil following what prophet Abraham made when the Devil appeared to him and persuaded him not to sacrifice his son as ordered by God.

How many days do Muslims camp in Mina?

On the morning of 8th of Zil Hajja, the pilgrims put on Ahraam (two white sheets) of Hajj and visit the holy Ka'aba to perform Tawaf. Then they leave Makka and reach Mina, preferably before the Zuhar prayer. On the 9th they leave for Arafat at sunrise. They pray at the field of Arafat till sunset and leave for Muzdalfa just at sunset without offering Maghrib prayer. They stay in Muzdalfa for the night and offer Maghrib and Isha prayers together. They collect pebbles from there and leave Muzdalfa after Fajr prayer. On the 10th they stone the big devil, go to Makka for Tawaf-i-Ziarat, offer sacrifice and put off Ahram. They come back to Mina and stay there for another two days (11th and 12). They leave Mina on 12th before sunset. If some one is unable to leave Mina before sunset he spends the night in Mina, stones the three Satans and leaves Mina on the 13th of zil Hajja. May Allah Karim give every Muslim a chance to perform Hajj. A'meen.

Why do Muslims throw pebbles at various times during Hajj?

· Hajj is an annual pilgrimage to Makkah. It is spread out over 5 days. It is the 4th Pillar of Islam. · On Day 1, a person who wants to perform Hajj pronounces the intention to perform Umrah. A second intention for the actual Hajj is pronounced at a later period. The pilgrims then move to Mina about three miles away to get here for the prayers at noon. Day 2 is the journey from Mina to Arafat by noon. A sermon is preached and pilgrims stay there until sunset. The day is spent standing in the open on the large plain praying to God and collecting Pebbles. Day 3 is the Day of Sacrifice. Pilgrims collect a bag of tiny pebbles which they carry back to Mina. Stoning the pillar symbolizes stoning the devil. the pebbles must touch the inside of the Jamrat's fence. They also Sacrifice an Animal, cut their hair, celebrate Eidul-Adha, Go to Makkah, Perform Tawaf al-ifadah. Drink from the Zamzam, Perform sa'ee and then return to Mina. Day 4 starts by performing prayers in Mina. The pilgrim stones the The first Jamrah, then the Middle, and finally the Big one in the same consecutive order, after midday on all three days. For the pilgrims who intend to stay only two days, they must leave before Maghrib, for those intending to stay more, they can collect more pebbles. Day 5 begins by Stoning the Jamrah. The pilgrim stones the The first Jamrah, then the Middle, and finally the Big one in the same consecutive order, after midday on all three days. Pilgrims return to Makkah before Maghrib time after completing the stoning to perform Tawaf al-wada They then bid farewell to the Tawaf al-wada before leaving Makkah. THIS COMPLETES THE HAJJ JOURNEY Just News was lucky to get an interview with Mohammed Abdullah: "Muslims throw stones at 3 pillars that represent the devil so they throw stones at them to symbolise throwing stones at the devil to tell him to clear off. Muslims cutting hair is some change of wicked ceremony like presenting blood in the pagan era."

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