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If you are an 'officer' of the corporation, you may represent the corporation - however - there is an old adage that goes; "The man that represents himself, has a fool for a client." Be very sure that what you have at risk is not worth losing just because of an attorney's fee.

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Q: If you are incorporated in North Carolina do you need a lawyer to represent you for arbitration?
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Where can one find an arbitration lawyer?

There are a number of sites that allow one to enter one's location in order to find an arbitration lawyer in a specific area. Some sites that allow one to locate an arbitration lawyer are the "Arbitration" site as well as the Law Info website.

Does a lawyer have a lawyer?

If he needs one. There's a famous legal aphorism that "a lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client." (Meaning: it's foolish to represent yourself; hire another lawyer to represent you.)

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No the cannot.

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Will represent self

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nope, its 1700,,, but they will likely charge interest, THEY CAN!

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A lawyer is hired to represent you. So yes, lawyers go to court to represent you. HOWEVER, in most cases, you are still required to be present with your lawyer in the court room.

Does a lawyer have to state whom they represent?

Yes they do

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yes everybody has a lawyer

Can a Indian lawyer represent in California?

As long as that lawyer also has a degree or license from California.

What has the author William E Simkin written?

William E. Simkin was a prominent American labor lawyer and author known for his work in the area of labor relations and negotiations. He co-authored the book "The Art of Collective Bargaining" which is widely used as a resource by labor practitioners and scholars.