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The buyer's attorney would have a title examination performed prior to the sale. The liens would be disclosed by the title examination. The buyer's attorney would require that the liens be paid before the buyer takes title. You would get the net proceeds after the payment of the liens and any other sums due on the property such as property taxes, utility and municipal services and mortgages.

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Q: If you have a judgment and lien against your home can you sell it and keep the equity of 125000.00?
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NC If a judgment has been filed against you for a home equity loan on a house that has been lost to foreclosure how long is that on your credit record and can the judgment be refiled once it expires?

7 years,and can be refiled

What are penalties of foreclosure?

You lose your home and any equity you had invested in it. If the eventual sale of the home does not cover your debt to the Lender, they may come after you for the difference. This could result in a judgment against you. Your credit score is adversely affected by the foreclosure, and possible judgment.

If you have equity going into your home how soon can you borrow against the equity?

two weeks

Can you get a home equity loan if your home is paid for?

Absolutely! Home equity loans enable homeowners to get cash out of the equity in their home. As Homeowners pay down their mortgage, they build equity; equity is also built as a home’s value increases. You can borrow against your equity in your home. To check out more about home equity loans visit LendingTree.

If a judgment has been issued for a repossession deficiency will it affect a 401K when cashed in and can they place a lien on your home which is homesteaded or take the money if it is sold?

A judgment creditor cannot levy on your 401(k), but they can levy on your bank account and money from a 401(k) distribution would be vulnerable if it was in your bank account at the time the levy occurred. Filing a homestead does not prohibit a judgment creditor from filing a lien against your home. The judgment creditor can wait for you to sell or refinance your home. If there is enough equity in your home to pay off the mortgage and your homestead, there might be enough equity to be able to force a sale of your home.

How soon can you get a home equity loan?

As soon as you have equity to borrow against. If you put a considerable down payment on a home you could get a home equity loan the next day. If you put 0 down than it will be several years before you have enough equity to get a home equity loan.

Is Heloc a loan company?

No. HELOC stands for Home Equity Line of Credit. It`s like a reverse mortgage. A home equity line of credit allows you to borrow against the equity in your home.

If my name is on the title of the home. Do I have equity in the home?

Yes you do. *Clarification: if you own the home you are owner of any equity that may be realized by the sale or leveraging of the property. That does not mean the home has equity. It only has equity if it is worth more than loans or liens held against it.

What are home equity loans for?

A home equity loan is a loan to be used to make repairs on a home. It is a loan that can be taken against a mortgage to fix a problem or make upgrades to a home.

Is your Florida home with homestead protected against a judgment?

Is your florida home with homestead protected against a judgement

What are the benefits of Home Equity?

Home equity is the value of a homeowner's property minus all the money they owe on that property (as mortgage or liens). The benefit of home equity is that a person can borrow against the equity in their home at better interest rates and with better tax advantages then other types of loans.

How much equity could you borrow on a 250000 home?

Equity is value in an item over and above what is owed. If you have a $250000 home and owe $250000 then you have no equity to borrow. If you owe $100000 then you have $150000 equity that you may be able to borrow against.