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No, but because you have cut the ends straight across rather than smooth as they grow it is really itchy. Like the stubble on a man's beard.

Expanding on previous post: Wax if you have the time/money/patience/CAJONES! It's probably the most awkward feeling imaginable about 3 or 4 days after shaving. Like a cactus! Lolz. It's not like you can shave every day either. Bad idea. Your skin is too sensitive for that, in which case you'll end up with uncomfortable razor bumps. -xKillingxCupidx
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14y ago
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12y ago

yeah, I'm not completely sure, but i think that if you haven't shaved them before, then they probably will grow back a little thicker, and darker. but I'm not sure about longer. i think they'll grow back at the same rate as normal.

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14y ago

yes -- no. it appears to because you cut it off at skin level, and not at the root, meaning that the tip of the hair will appear to be thicker, because it is the same diameter as it was at skin level when shaved. When you wax hair, it grows back finer because it was pulled out at the root, so had a complete regrowth. It also appears to come back darker, but when you leave it to absorb sunlight, it will turn lighter. Hope that helps.

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12y ago

Ya it does but only on your arm pitts but on your legs and arms it grows at the same rate.


No shaving and plucking have no effect on how thick your hair grows back anywhere. It just seems that way because it's courser.

Waxing is the only way to traumitize the root so much hair stops growing back.

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14y ago

no it wont. it may seem like that, because the top of the hairs are thinner than the bottom, so the thicker part grows otu when the thinner top part gets cut off

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14y ago

No and what's worse is they itch like mad when they grow back.

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13y ago

yes they will.

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Q: After shaved does hair grow back thicker?
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Shaving does not "make your hair grow back thicker".

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They will grow back in 3-4 weeks. This varies throughout different people. When they do grow fully back, you will have more hair and it will be thicker and darker Yes they grow back everytime after shaving. Hair grows constantly.

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Yes, hair will grow back if shaved off. If it didn't, no one would have a beard or mustache.

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No it just grows back.

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Either she keeps on shaving, or her hair will grow back to the point they were before she shaved, simply.

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Your hair will grow back at the normal rate it always grows at, provided you aren't balding.

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It does grow back, however, the rate at which it grows is entirely dependent on the person.

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YES ! (: it should.

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If you have shaved off or lost your hair due to illness, the hair takes on average one month to grow back half an inch.

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Yes, it will grow back thicker and darker. But shaving your chest itches very badly.

Does hair grow back thicker after you shave?

No; that's a common myth. It seems thicker because of the stubble.