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yesss! it is soooooo bad! i used pink at a party, it got all over my clothes, hands, face, and armss. I washed it 5 times (and counting) but it still stained my highlights so now i have pink highlights. DONT TRY IT!

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Q: If you use colored hair spray and you have highlights will it ruin your highlights?
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Six weeks, unless you want to totally ruin your hair.

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You can wash it the same day if you want. It won't go away or ruin it. Yes you can wash it whenever you want to.

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If your hair is bleached before being dyed or dyed CONSTANTLY (every month or so) then your hair will eventually become dry and not flexible. You'll need to use special shampoos and conditioners for colored hair in order to keep your hair healthy.

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not getting your hair cut often enough can damage your hair. Also if you straighten/curl it without using a spray or cream to protect it can ruin your hair. Finaly if you brush it everyday and wash it every other day/ everyday you will have healthy, undamaged hair.

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