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If the parents press charges, yes. The 17 year old is a minor and still considered a child. I've heard of people getting charged with corruption of a minor as well as statuatory rape.

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Q: In Ohio can a 20-year-old go to jail if he gets his 17-year-old girlfriend pregnant?
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No, being the age of 17 and pregnant is not the same as being 18. Until your turn 18 in Ohio, the parents continue to be responsible and make the decisions.

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Yes, if that is ordered by the courts. In an Ohio case where a 14 year old boy got a 19 year old girl pregnant, his parents were ordered to pay support to the girlfriend.

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If pregnant woman has welfare housing is a boyfriend allowed to live with her in ohio?

Not from what I understand. He is not allowed in the home to live.

Does care source of Ohio cover ru486?

Only the the case of rape, incest, or for the health of the pregnant woman.