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In the second book, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe", Aslan dies on the Stone Table in the place of Edmund.

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15y ago
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2mo ago

In "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," Aslan sacrifices himself to the White Witch in exchange for Edmund's life, demonstrating his deep love and mercy. Aslan's sacrifice ultimately leads to Edmund's redemption and defeat of the White Witch, emphasizing themes of forgiveness and redemption.

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11y ago

Aslan had to sacrifice himself just to save Edmund from eternal death.

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10y ago

That is very much a matter of opinion which needs to be supported by valid arguments.

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8y ago

Aslan sacrifices himself to save Edmund. But he knew what would happen if the witch did kill him.

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3y ago

hi so byyyy

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Q: In the series Chronicles of Narnia what does Aslan do to save Edmund?
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