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No at three months it is most unlikely to have milk in the breasts. well im about three months and ive got breast milk so yes it can happen it just means that your body produces much faster and alot more

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Q: In three months can you have breast milk?
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Can formula be used beside breast feeding in the first six months?

Breast milk is best for your child but formula milk can be used alongside breast milk

Do you still have milk coming out of your breasts after 6 months from giving birth but im bottle feeding not breast feeding?

Yes my son is getting ready to turn three and I still have milk coming ouy of both breast.

How long does breast milk last in freezer?

Breast milk can be frozen to have on hand whenever needed. You can store breast milk in the freezer for up to 3 to 6 months. If in the fridge, it will last up to 5 days.

If this is your first pregnancy how many months are you when you start getting breast milk when you squeeze your breast?

Your milk is available around 16-17 weeks gestation.

Can you have breast milk coming out from your breast when you are one-week pregnant?

it will come in itself.

Should you still be having your clear breast milk still comin in your son is three months old you didnt breast feed an im having pregnancy symptoms?

If you are breastfeeding at 3 months old then you are already giving him foremilk with more calories now.

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your probally pregnant

I stopped breast feeding when my son was 14 months now he's 36 months and still have some milk?

Now that he is 36 months old , the milk should stop soon.

Can you eat spaghetti after one week?

breast milk mainly for the first few months

Which foods are most suitable to introduce to an infant six months of age?

breast milk or breast-milk sustitute and pureed potato and rice based infant cereal or mashed pear

Currently you are pregnant three months and your breast leaking water?

I am pregnent three months and my breast leaking whenever its pressing or lying down like water no pain at all

When the breast milk comes out?

Around three days after the birth of your baby.