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A needle would pierce the skin from the outside inward: A layer of flat cells called as Stratum corneum, then a layer of almost transparent cells called Stratum Lucidium, then a layer of cells which look granular and is called the Stratum granulosum, next is a layer of cells called the Stratum Spinosum and lastly, a single cell layer with a prominent nucleus in each cell called the Stratum basale (the growing layer).

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Q: In what order a needle pierce the epidermal layers of forearm?
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In what order a needle will pierce the epidermal layers of forearm?

Skin contains various layers from below upwards. But needle would pierce it in REVERSE order. So 1)A layer of flat cells about to be discarded is called Stratum corneum 2)A layer of almost transparent cells(Unstained cells.) called as Stratum Lucid-um.3)A layer of cells which looks granular.(Having granules in them.) is Stratum granulosum.4)A layer of cells called as Stratum Spinosum.5) A single cell layer of prominent nucleus in them called as Stratum basale.6)Then you have thick Dermis made of connective tissue.7) Then you have layer called as Hypo dermis made of of Adipose tissue (Fatty layer.)

How do you pierce my ear without a needle?

you can pierce your ear with a needle by burning it and put alcolhol in your ear for 5 to 10 minutes and get the burned needle and stick it in there

Do you use an anesthetic needle when you pierce your naval?


What do they use to pierce your belly button?

A Needle.

What gauge needle do they pierce your belly with?

14 ga.

What did people pierce with before the needle?

Sharpened bone

Is it easier to piece your ear when the needle is hot?

You probably shouldn't pierce your ear if you can't spell pierce.

Is it better to pierce with a needle or gun?

The Needle. Using The Gun To Pierce Like For Example Your Cartilage In Your Ear, The Cartilage Might Shatter And Youll Feel Tiny Bumps Around Your New Piercing, Thatll Mean You Have Shattered Your Cartilage. So In My Opinion For Choosing What To Pierce With I Would Have To Say A Hollow Piercing Needle :)

How do professionals pierce eyeborws?

They will pierce with a hollow needle and hold the mark with a clamp. The procedure is very straight forward.

Heat the piercing needle before you pierce?

Actually you need to sterilize the needle before you pierce the body. Some people will hold it under a flame or hot water to sterilize it but alcohol is better.

What is the name of the object to pierce your ears?

they use a piercing gun or a needle

How do doctors pierce ears?

Most don't do it with a gun, usually a needle.