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The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening prompted Americans to challenge traditional sources of authority. These movements showed citizens the how to reason and think for themselves, instead of just following authority. They felt that people should follow the way of Jesus instead of blindly following the current leaders in authority.

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Q: In what ways did the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening prompt Americans to challenge traditional sources of authority?
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Enlightenment ideas encouraged people to?

Question traditional authority

What modern American values can be traced back to the great awakening and the enlightenment?

Scientific Experiments can be traced back to the enlightenment because Ben Franklin, a famous American Enlightenment Figure, conducted these experiments to discover the laws of nature. Questioning authority (respectfully) for better reasoning can be traced back to the Great Awakening because it was brought forth after the Great Awakening took place.

In what ways did the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening prompt Americans to challenge sources of authority?

The colonist began to believe that God did not pick the king like they were originally taught. It always allowed them to believe that they had "natural rights" that the kings could not take away.

What movement undermined faith in traditional authority and set the stage for working men to participate in representative government?

the Great Awakening

How was the enlightenment different from the great awakening?

The Great Awakening is about feeling and emotion and The Enlightenment is about logic and reason.

Compare and contrast the great awakening and the enlightenment?

The Great Awakening was a religious revival movement in the American colonies focused on emotional and personal faith experiences, while the Enlightenment was a philosophical and intellectual movement emphasizing reason, science, and individual rights. Both movements challenged traditional authority but in different ways: the Great Awakening through revivalist preaching and emotionalism, and the Enlightenment through rationalism and critique of superstition.

What were the three main themes of the Enlightenment?

The three main themes of the Enlightenment were reason, individualism, and skepticism. Enlightenment thinkers emphasized the power of reason and scientific inquiry, celebrated the rights and freedoms of the individual, and questioned traditional authority and beliefs.

What was the awakening during the great awakening?

religion. People started to question the authority of the church.

Why did monarchs censor enlightenment writers?

Monarchs censored Enlightenment writers because the ideas promoted by these writers often challenged the traditional authority of the monarchy and the Church. Monarchs saw these ideas as a threat to their power and control over society. Censorship was a way for them to maintain their authority and suppress dissenting views.

Which of these statements is falseThe Enlightenment was based on the concept that people could use reason to find happiness?

The leaders of the Enlightenment wanted a central authority to control the government.

Who was considered to have ultimate authority based on the great awakening?

The Chruch