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Actually, what you are asking is referring to the hardness of the pencil. So both, 0.5mm and 0.7mm are the same hardness as number two pencils. The number of lead, 0.5, is a thinner lead in diameter to the 0.7.

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Q: Is 0.5 lead the same thing as a number 2 pencil?
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Is a 7 mm mechanical pencil the same as a number 2 pencil?

The "number 2" designation refers to the "hardness" of the lead. The higher the number, the "harder" The "7mm" designation refers to the "thickness" of the lead. The higher the number, the thicker. They are not the same pencil.

Is 0.7 lead the same as a number two pencil?

No. 0.7 lead is just the dimension (in millimeters) The 0.7 has nothing to do with the hardness (which is what the No. 2 refers to). You can purchase 0.7 leads of various hardness that all will fit in the same mechanical pencil.

Is lead from a lead pencil the same as the element?

yes yes it is

A diamond and your pencil lead graphite are made of this same element?

graphite in a pencil and diamond are from carbon .both are the allotrope of carbon

What element is a diamond and the lead in a pencil?

Carbon. Diamond and graphite (pencil lead) are allotropes of carbon, meaning different atomic arrangements of the same element. They are also both covalent network solids.

Why is pencil lead made out of Graphite?

Because pencil "lead" is not lead. Pencils haven't used lead cores since Roman times. However, lead poisoning was still possible up until the mid 20th century as the painted wooden casing often contain high concentrations of lead. Confusion about the source of the poisoning may have led (sic) people to think the core was actually made of lead, however the term "lead" does not refer to the carbon element itself, it's just a general term for a pencil's core. "Put some graphite in your pencil" just doesn't have the same ring to it as "put some lead in your pencil".

Why element makes diamonds and pencil lead?

Carbon constitutes pencil lead, charcoal and diamond. Although they appear different in appearance, they are chemically the same. Diamond is shiny and hard due to the crystalline arrangement of carbon atoms in it. Graphite or pencil lead has such an arrangement, that there are free electrons which make it a conductor of electricity. Elements like this, which are chemically the same but exhibit different physical properties are called allotropes, and the phenomenon is termed as allotropy.

How can you write a sentence with led and lead?

In different sentences: "Do you know if there is led in that pencil?" "Can you lead the way?" In the same sentence: You have a piece of led in your leg, you can't lead the parade now!

What weights more 1pound feathers or 1pound pencil lead?

They're the same because they're both 1 pound.

What is a homophone for led?

A homophone for "led" would be "lead," pronounced the same way but spelled differently.

Can a dog eat lead that is for a lead pencil?

I wouldn't suggest just letting your dog chew on a pencil, but I don't think it will kill them. My dog has chewed on several pencils (without me knowing until finding the evidence) and so far nothing has happened to her. She was still the same as far as hyper activity and she didn't vomit or have diarrhea. But, with that, all dogs are different just as people are different and one dog might react to something differently than another.

How do you spell led?

L-E-A-D for lead on a pencil or "he lead him to the pond