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Yes, it is very low even for a grown up. 35º Celsius is the same temperature as hypothermia victims, so expect extreme shivering, blue/gray skin and numbness as well.

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Q: Is 35.4C temperature to low for a baby?
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Is 35.5 temperature too low for a baby?

If your baby's temperature drops below 97.7°F (36.5°C), they're considered to have hypothermia, or low body temperature. A low body temperature in babies can be dangerous, and, though rare, may lead to death

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Anything could freeze if the temperature is low enough. All oils will freeze if the temperature is sufficiently low. If you meant Will baby oil freeze in a regular domestic refrigerator freezer compartment? The answer is no.

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What cause low temperature at babies?

Our baby was low-birth weight and she had trouble keeping warm. Her pediatrician told us that an infant's temperature should be at least 97 degrees and that anything less is considered a low body temperature. He told us to keep her wrapped up and to call him if her temp was lower than 97.

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yes, because the basal metabolic rate of a baby is very meaning that the temperature will lead to excess metabolic wastes hence low oxygen concentration.

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the temperature is low because it is cold.

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The average low temperature is 14.0 Fahrenheit

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