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Yes, it is

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Antarctica is a land mass, which holds the cold, unlike the the northern polar region, which is water covered by sea ice. Antarctica is about 30 degrees F colder than the northern polar climes.

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11y ago

Antarctica is colder.

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Q: Is the north pole colder than Antarctica?
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Is North Pole colder than Antarctica?

No, Antarctica is colder, primarily because it is a continent with thousands of feet of ice, whereas the north pole is ocean.

Why north pole is colder than south pole?

It's not, The South Pole is a lot colder.

Is the north pole colder or warmer then the south pole?

On average, the South pole is colder because this is located on a land mass (Antarctica) while the North Pole is located in an ocean.

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Where is the hole in the ozone found?

Ozone layer is depletion is happening in the stratosphere of the earth's atmosphere. It is majorly concentrated over Antarctica's atmosphere.

What is the climate on Antarctica like on North America?

The two climates are not the same. Antarctica is far colder than North America, as is the Arctic. Antarctica is about 30 degrees F colder than the Arctic.

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All over but it is specially noticeable over the poles, and more over Antarctica, which is colder than the North Pole.

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Is the South Pole colder than Antarctica?

Antarctica is a continent and the ice cap there is nearly two miles thick. This geography holds the cold better than the arctic. The Arctic ice floats on water and melts nearly away each summer.

A metaphor about the cold weather So far i have came up with colder than the North Pole but I'm not sure if that is a metahpor?

Colder than the North Pole is a comparison, not a metaphor.

What is coldest the south pole or the north pole?

==The South Pole== The South Pole is generally colder than the North Pole, partly because it is higher (9000' above sea level) and partly because it is further from the warming effects of water. On the other hand, neither is considered the coldest place on Earth. Parts of Siberia and Greenland are often colder than the North Pole, and Vostok Station in Antarctica with an elevation of around 11,500' is not only colder than the South Pole, but is considered the coldest place on Earth with an average temperature of -67F.South Pole

Is the Mt. Everest colder than the north pole?

No. The North Pole has lower average temperatures then Mt. Everest.