

Is Cardcaptors any different from Cardcaptor Sakura?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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No, the only difference is Cardcaptors is the English dubbed version. (People in the anime speak English.)

Cardcaptor Sakura is the Japanese version, but can also be English subbed (English subtitles.)

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Q: Is Cardcaptors any different from Cardcaptor Sakura?
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Yes, there are loads like that. Try Kamichama Karin and Shugo Chara! You might also like Fruits Basket.

I what to cut my hair like cardcaptor sakura's but i can't find any good pictures of her hair to show the hair dresser can you help me?

You can search for "Cardcaptor Sakura hairstyle" on the internet for reference images to show your hairdresser. The hairstyle typically features a chin-length bob with blunt bangs. Make sure to explain the specific elements you like about the style, such as the length and layers, to your hairdresser for a precise cut.

Who does Li like in cardcaptors?

saukra of course if you have any question you are free to ask

What element does sakura have?

Currently, Sakura does not have any chakra nature.