

Is Diet Coke really the worst for you?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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The answer to your question provides no single answer. Caffeine and sugar are both perfectly fine in moderation and in many cases beneficial. The caffeine in a pop is only harmful if a person has a low caffeine tolerance or is already dehydrated. Sugar is also fine in moderation as long as a person does not have a condition that can be decremental to their health if they consume to much sugar such as being diabetic or pre-diabetic. Grape and orange sodas have the most sugar about 200 calories worth of sugar in a 12oz., while Coke is closer to 120 for a 12oz. can.

The caffeine in a pop is now located on the side of a can, and even Mountain Dew and Vault have less caffeine than a comparable cup of coffee.

Diet pop poses its own risks because in certain people Aspartame, the sweetener in most diet pops, does cause negative health consequences from things as little as headaches, to heart arrhythmia, and all the way to death. Most negative side effects are related to an over consumption of aspartame. Diet pop is for people that have to lose weight for health concerns. If a person has to lose weight so they can lose a few pounds for swimsuit season then diet pop is not the healthiest alternative.

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Q: Is Diet Coke really the worst for you?
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