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Everyone reacts differently to marijuana , so it is a definite possibility.

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Q: Is It Possible for a person to be immune to the effects of marijuana?
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According to what I've been told by several doctors, if a person takes antibiotics too often, the person begins to become immune to the effects.

What does marijuana affects?

It depends on the user, and how, for lack of better words, immune they are to the effects of marijuana. Generally, Marijuana distorts perception making it hard to tell time and how fast things are moving. It affects your perception of those two things. For some users, it makes them hunger, what is known as the munchies, others it makes them tired, while some get hyper. It all depends on the person. For some thing feelings are intense and they can become paranoid. Marijuana is not for all users.

Can a marijuana cigarette kill a person?

Directly, no. However, the effects it causes may cause death.

Can marijuana effect your muscles in your body?

Marijuana, as a depressant, will relax muscles while a person is under the affects of it, but has little to no long term, negative effects (on muscles).

Can you die from marijauna?

It is possible to die from anything, including marijuana. If the marijuana is laced with something, that could cause problems. If a person smokes marijuana and then drives, they could get into an accident which could cause them to die.

What are some possible side effects of glucocorticoids?

These include the suppression of the immune system (which makes the person more susceptible to infections), osteoporosis, shifts in the body's fluid balance, skin changes, changes in brain chemistry, and altered behavior.

Does any medicines relieve the effects of chemotherapy as well as marijuana?

Though there are a variety of drugs on the market ro treat nausea, many still consider marijuana a better and more natural approach. This will vary from person to person and case to case.

What are the long term affects of marjauna on a person?

Their are no long term affects to marijuana besides the fact that it is addicting. It does however have many short term effects such as red eyes and a strong desire to eat, other than that their are no long term effects when it comes to marijuana besides addiction.

Why is marijauana bad?

Marijuana isn't really considedered to be harmfull. marijuana hasn't killed a single person. The reason people say its bad is because gives you a "high". It effects your timing sort of like alcohol.

What do you call a person who studies marijuana?

A person who studies marijuana is called a cannabis researcher or a cannabinoid researcher.

When does a person decide to smoke marijuana?

A person decides to smoke marijuana when they are offered it, have an opportunity to buy and smoke it, or when they have an urge to smoke marijuana.

A person with HIV infection gets diseases a healthy person would not get?

HIV effects the cells associated with immune function. Over time, a person with HIV may experience an inability to recover from infections due to decreased immune function. Once an individual has reached a certain degree of immune deficiency, they are susceptible to what is known as "opportunistic infections." Opportunistic Infections are diseases that people with normal immune function are not at risk of being infected by. Opportunistic infections are found in patients who suffer from a variety of disorders associated with immune function.