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Kepler-22b is a extra-solar planet in orbit around Kepler-22, about 600 light years away. It is about 2.5 times the size of Earth, and is estimated to be like a warm Neptune, i.e. mostly seas with a rocky core, or a neptunian gas like planet. The likelihood of life is uncertain, but "not beyond the realm of possibility".

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Q: Is Kepler - 22b areal planet and does it have life?
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How was the planet Kepler 22b named?

Kepler-22b was given its the designation Kepler as it is one of many planets discovered by the Kepler observatory. The 22b refers to it being the innermost (and only known) planet orbiting the star Kepler-22.

Is Kepler 22b a real planet and does it have life?

Kepler-22b is indeed a real planet. While some evidence suggests that it may be capable of supporting life, we currently have now way of detecting if it does. So far Earth is still the only known planet to have life.

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Is Kepler 22b the largest planet?

No. Kepler-22b is between the sizes of Earth and Neptune. The largest known planet is HAT-P-32b which gas about twice the radius of Jupiter.

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Kepler 22b is a planet with all liquid, water. gliese 581g is a planet that might be consists of land and water + their distance from earth.

Does Planet Kepler exist?

Kepler is not a planet; it is a telescope used to find planets in other solar systems. Planets discovered by it are given names beginning with Kepler, such as Kepler-22b.

What star does Kepler 22b orbit?

Kepler-22b orbits the star Kepler-22.

Is there life on Kepler 22 b?

It is unknown. So far Earth is the only planet known to have life. Some observations suggest that Kepler-22b might be capable of supporting life. Even if there is life there, we cannot detect it with current technology.

Is Kepler 22b larger than Jupiter?

No,Kepler 22b is smaller than Jupiter

Is Kepler 22b bigger than Jupiter?

No. Kepler-22b is between the size of Earth and Neptune.

Who discover the Kepler planet?

DISCOVERED BY: kent,raffy & kenneth...