

Is Pluto tipped on its side?

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12y ago

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Yes it is.

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Q: Is Pluto tipped on its side?
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If a plant is tipped on its side the shoots will likely?

If a plant is tipped on its side, the shoot will still grow upward.

Is Jupiter tipped on its side?

No, jupiter has hardly any tilt. Its Uranus that is tipped on its side, with an axial tilt of 98°.

Which planet is the tipped over planet?

Uranus because uranus is tipped on it's side.

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Does pluto rotate?

Pluto rotates on its side, so it is somewhat ambiguous.

Is the far side of Pluto's moon Charon always dark?

No. Charon is tidally locked to Pluto such that one side always face toward Pluto and once side always faces away. Since Charon orbits Pluto (or rather the common center of mass between the two) the far side of Charon experiences daylight while it is night on the side facing Pluto.

What planet in our solar system rotates on its side?

Uranus. It is tipped over on its side at 98°

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Does Pluto rotate on its side?

Yes it does.

What is a special feature of the planet Uranus?

Uranus is different because it is tipped on its side.

Is Pluto a planet I need a yes side and a no side to this and info must be accurate.?

Pluto is not a planet. It is considered to be a Dwarf planet like Ceres, Eris, and Sedna.