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It is a Output device as it projects images and text.

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Q: Is a data projector an input or output device?
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Related questions

Is a projector a input?

No, it serves for output, like a monitor or printer

Is projector is an input or output device?

Output. It is taking data out the source (computer etc) and displaying it.

Is modem an input or output device?

A modem (Modulator-demodulator) is both. It allows you to input data (download) and output data (upload).

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Is projector an out put device?

yes, it's similar to a monitor, and there is no way to input data from projector.

What is a keyboard mouse scanner digital camera and bar code reader examples of?

These are all example's of Data Input device's - as opposed to Data Output Device's like Monitor's, Projector's, Printer's etc.

Is Card reader Writer input or output?

I expect you mean "Is Card reader/writer input or output?". If this is so, it is both an input and output device. Whenever you are trying to categorize a device as Input or Output, think of how it looks from the computer.If the computer is transmitting data to it, it is an Output device.If the computer is receiving data from it, it is an Input device.

Pendrive is an input device or output device?

Pendrive is not a input device nor output device IT is STORAGE DEVICE. storage device, only data can be saved in pen drive.

Is USB drive an output or input?

It's a storage device... It is to store data,and use the data from it to let other input/output/processing devices work... do not get confused thinking it as a input or output device...

Is a video projecter a output device?

An output device is anything that can output information from a computer. Therefore, a projector that is conected to a computer is as much an output device as a screen, a printer or communications port.

Scanner is output or input device?

scanner is an input device. it is used to store data in a computer.

Is a USB cable an input or output device?

A usb cable is not a device. A USB drive would be a Storage Device and still not be an Input or Output device. A USB keyboard would be an input device and a USB printer would be an output device.