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It is not required, but what it does is gets your brain actively engaged in thinking about dreaming for a decent period of time in a day. Dreams are the easiest things to forget because they are essentially fake memories. The more you think about dreaming and the more you feel that it's important to you to remember, the more you will. This sets up what's known as Dream Recall, an essential skill in Lucid Dreaming. Who knows, you may have had hundreds of lucid dreams through out your life, but didn't remember a single one! The next thing this does is helps you identify what's known as Dream Signs; these are recurring situations or objects or any other dream-like abnormalities, your brain likes things to be organized and mechanical so it will often fall back on similar if not identical anomalies. Identifying these anomalies and being aware of which one's you experience in dreams more often will help you realize when you're currently engaged in a dream. If you're interested in lucid dreaming I HIGHLY recommend keeping a dream log.

Another Answer:A dream journal is not necessary to have a lucid dream. According through my research, it will help. By keeping a journal for awhile you may see a pattern, such as an ugly monster, that only shows up in your dream. If you remember these patterns you may be able to realize you are dreaming while asleep. Also, by writing down dreams it will help you remember them.

Other Tips:

  • Reality Checks: In a dream your hands look funny, you can't remember what happened before then, and when you look at a digital clock turn away and look again the time is very different. Practice doing these things while awake and they'll carry over to your sleep.
  • Wierdness: While dreaming try thinking "could this happen." If it's really wierd then do a reality check. You might be dreaming.

P.S. You don't need a dream journal. I did reality checks and it carried over to my sleep. I dreamt something wierd, and when I realized I was dreaming I was able to fly.

PPS. I forgot my jacket in my dream and I needed it but didn't know where it was. That's how I know I was dreaming. Try thinking of something that you have everywhere you go for you to think about where it is, like a phone.

Good luck with your dreaming!

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Q: Is a dream journal required to lucid dream and will it help me lucid dream?
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Is there anyone with lucid dreaming experience that can help me?

If you would like to lucid dream, you should start trying to remember your "normal" dream after you wake up. The purpose of this is: If you can't remember regular dreams, there isn't any way you'll be able to remember if you had a lucid dream. All lucid dreaming really is is being conscious of your surroundings while in a dream. If you can realize that you are in a dream while in your dream, you will become lucid. There are hundreds of different ways to learn to lucid dream. The most commonly used one is asking yourself throughout the day if you are in a dream. Chances are, if you do this in your dream out of habit, you will realize that you ARE dreaming, and become lucid.

Are there any shortcuts to obtaining lucid dreams?

No there are not in fact any "short cuts" to lucid dreaming. It is not hard to obtain if you put in the time and effort. Keeping a dream journal is very important, by doing this you can look back at previous dreams and see if there are any people, things, places, ect. that keeps occuring. This could be a dream sign. Once you have a dream sign when you see it in a dream you are aware your dreaming. This should help you obtain lucidity.

Could you learn to play a song using lucid dreaming?

It is unlikely that you would be able to learn a new song from scratch with lucid dreaming. However, lucid dreaming can be great for practicing. If you have already learned a song and want to rehearse it in your lucid dream then this can help you to memorize it.

Can you help me make up some dreams for my dream journal?

The purpose of a dream journal is to record one's actual dreams. Making up false dreams would defeat the purpose of keeping a journal.

How to have lucid dreams?

If you want to know how to have lucid dreams, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances. Lucid dreaming is when you become aware that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. For some people, this happens spontaneously. But if you want to increase your odds of having a lucid dream, there are a few things you can try. First, keep a dream journal. Every morning when you wake up, write down what you remember from the night before. Over time, you will start to see patterns in your dreams. This will help you become more aware of when you are dreaming. Second, try reality checking during the day. Throughout the day, stop and ask yourself “Am I awake or am I dreaming?” Pay attention to your surroundings and test whether they seem real or not.

Who can have lucid dreams?

Absolutely anyone. Although, it does come more naturally to some people than others. Some people have them throughout their lives. I had to work really hard at it, but BOY was the effort worth it! I've had some incredible experiences in my lucid dreams. And even my non-lucid dreams have become FAR more vivid and interesting since I started learning to lucid dream. Just give it a try, and don't give up! You can do it! There are even aids you can get to help you achieve a lucid dream if you're struggling.

Are lucid dreams real?

Yes, lucid dreams—which, for the uninitiated, are dreams where you’re aware you’re sleeping and can often control aspects of your dream—are real. While people doubted their existence for years, a slew of research in the second half of the last century put those doubts to sleep.The way researchers proved it is pretty cool. They taught test subjects methods to induce lucid dreams (there are plenty out there, if you’re interested), then hooked them to polygraph machines as they slept. The subjects had agreed to perform specific actions in their dreams when they achieved lucidity—actions that’d show up on a polygraph test, like patterns of eye movements or fist clenches; lo and behold, the subjects fell asleep, then gave the signals.For most, lucid dreams are happy accidents, but some suggest pursuing the ability to reliably lucid dream can help avert nightmares, alleviate anxiety, and even aid in physical rehabilitation.

Can someone help me lucid dream?

Try jumping into the air a few times a day when nobody is around. Do this daily. After three to four weeks, if you've been consistent, you'll have a dream where you jump into the air. But in dreams, we don't just drop back to the ground, we float back down. Then you'll know you're in a dream. There are numerous websites dedicated specifically to lucid dreaming, however, much of what appears on the Internet is simply nonsense. Not everyone is able to have lucid dreams. It is not a recreational activity, but developed as a tool to aid in counseling and therapy under the guidance of a mental health professional.

Im going to try lucid dreaming Can i be a animal in it because i heard to know your in it you can write something on your hand to remind yourself but i want to be a cat in it?

There is quite a bit of nonsense circulating on the Internet about lucid dreaming, which was developed as a technique of controlling nightmares, to be used with a professional therapist. Like any other skill, lucid dreaming comes easily to some, other individuals find it difficult or impossible. Dreaming is a function of the subconscious mind; in lucid dreaming, the conscious (waking) mind becomes alert while the dream is occurring and takes control of the progress of the dream. So it is not simply a matter of deciding to dream about a certain subject or experience, like dreaming of being a cat. It doesn't work like that. The first step to lucid dreaming is to learn to become aware that you are dreaming. That alone can take quite a bit of effort and practice. Then you may be able to change the direction of your dream; for example, instead of running away from something chasing you, you might be able to stop and demand that the "something" identify itself. Again, that can be a big accomplishment. Claims that you can recognize that you are dreaming by looking in a mirror, or trying to read printed material are not reliable. Writing something on your hand is not likely to help at all, since you may appear completely altered in the dream.

What is a lucid dream?

Lucid dreaming describes the awareness that you are experiencing a dream, and not reality, when you are dreaming. It is the ability, while in a dream, to have the thought process "This is a dream," or "I am dreaming."

I have a dream were I can sense that somewhere around me is an all encompassing power that is infinitely small I often get this when my hands are crossed My dad also has the same feeling?

These dreams you are having are called Lucid dreams. This means you are conscious of the fact that you are dreaming. Writing these dreams down may help you better understand them.