

Is a galaxy bigger then a star?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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8y ago

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Yes. A galaxy contains many stars.

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Q: Is a galaxy bigger then a star?
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Lmao, 220,000ly gaalxy vs. a dwarf star that has a diameter of 1.3mln km lmao it's obvious Andromeda is a bigger

What is bigger a star or a galaxy?

Galaxies are made out of many millions of stars.

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Galaxy! A galaxy contists of billions of star systems .. A nebulea on the other hand just contains the raw ingredients to make a star in a very dense cloud.

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Obviously, the Universe is the biggest of that lot. Next biggest is "galaxy", then solar system, then star, then moon. A comet is usually bigger than a meteorite, but not always.

Is the sun the biggest thing in the galaxy?

Definitely not. There are bigger stars in our Milky Way Galaxy. There is also suspected to be a Super Massive Black Hole in the middle of our galaxy too (which is way bigger). The Sun is a medium sized star.

Is the sun bigger than the Milky way?

no. the sun is a star and the milky way is a galaxy.

What is the nebula in a galaxy?

The nebula in a galaxy is a dead star, long dead, possibly about to turn into a black hole. actually, its the opposite: nebula is like a cloud of space trash. when the "cloud" gets too big, it explodes. the bigger the explosion, the bigger the new star.

What is bigger than a galaxy?

Our Universe is bigger, than a galaxy.

What is the star that is bigger than the sun called?

Many stars are bigger than the sun. In fact the sun is called a yellow dwarf, or a G dwarf star meaning it is relatively small (i.e. a dwarf) compared to the "average star" in our galaxy.

What is bigger a galaxy or a gaseous nebula?

A Galaxy is far bigger than a nebula.